Mindful Eating

Many of us pay little attention to what they are doing when they eat. We often eat while doing other things like checking the phone or looking at the computer, or we eat only because there is food or we are in company.

Mindful Eating is a different approach to eating, to our food and bodies and doesn’t involve following a diet.

This approach stems from the intention to respect our body and the curiosity to explore our interactions with food.

Mindful Eating involves eating with attention and intention, whilst letting go of the judgement that may surround our body or mental reactions to food. It allows us to develop trust towards the self-regulating mechanisms of the body instead of relying on external information to guide our choices around food.


  • Enjoying food with all our senses;
  • Recognize when we are really full or hungry;
  • Auto adjust our food intake;
  • Understanding and reducing nervous hunger;
  • Development of body, food and emotional awareness;
  • Develop patience and acceptance towards our body;
  • Learn to live in harmony with our body;
  • Stress reduction.


Who can benefits from this intervention?

This intervention is aimed at all those who have difficulty in following a healthy and balanced diet: from the presence of frequent snacks outside the hours to the night snack, from sporadic occasions of loss of awareness to the actual binge eating.

But even to those who limit their diet, frequently resort to diets or avoid eating certain foods for fear of being able to eat them, they live an anxious and stormy relationship with food, which often involves a "yo-yo" weight trend and mood swings.

Also useful as an integration in the treatment of Eating Disorders.

The paths of conscious nutrition, of mindful eating, are therefore aimed at reducing:

  • Recurrent and compulsive binge eating
  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Binge eating episodes
  • Emotional eating

The main purpose is not weight loss, but the acquisition of a different way of relating to food and nutrition.
